Application for Re-Engaging of PATWARI Posted On : Jul 30, 2024 | Download File
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Incharge : Virender Bhatt Sharma
Incharge : Sh. Naresh (Assistant Engineer)
The present District Of Mandi was formed with the merger of two princely states Mandi and Suket on 15th April 1948, when the State of Himachal Pradesh came into existence. Ever since the formation of the district, it has not witnessd any changes in it’s jurisdiction. The chiefs of Mandi and Suket are said to be from a common ancestor of the Chandravanshi line of Rajputs of Sena dynasty of Bengal and they claim their descent from the Pandavas of the Mahabharata. The ancestors of the line believed to have ruled for 1,700 years in Indarprastha(Delhi), until one Khemraj was driven out by his Wazir, Bisarp, who then took over the throne. Khemraj, having lost his knogdom, fled eastward and settled in Bengal, where 13 of his successors are said to have ruled for 350 years. From there they had to flee to Ropar in Punjab, but here also the king, Rup Sen, was killed and one of his sons, Bir Sen, fled to the hills and reached Suket. The State of Suket is said to have been founded by Bir Sen, an ancestor of the Sena Dynasty of Bengal. The use of technology is increasing day by day, we all depend on technology and we use various technologies to accomplish specific tasks in our lives. Today technology has made the field of communications so easy.
A dynamic and visionary leader, Mayor Virender Bhatt Sharma has been a pillar of progress and development in Mandi born on 05 August 1972. A Graduate of Vallabh Govt. College Mandi. With a relentless passion for advancement and a deep commitment to public service, he has consistently worked to elevate the Town and its residents. Mayor Sharma’s journey in public service began in 2000, when he was first elected as a Councillor for the Nagar Parishad Mandi. He served with distinction during his tenure from 2000 to 2005. After his successful tenure, his dedication and leadership were recognized once again when he was re-elected as a Councillor in 2016, serving until 2017.
स्वच्छता अलख से निर्मल हुई छोटी काशी Source : दैनिक संध्या अखबार Dated : 1/7/2024
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